What we have achieved
The Charity Quiz was well supported in May, £195 was raised on the night! Thank you to everyone who came along, we hoped you enjoyed the evening!
On the 14th June, the children along with their parents and Brambles staff visited Church Farm which had been such a success the previous year! The children were able to get up close to the animals and enjoyed the tractor ride on a sunny summers day!
Final figures are not yet in for the Spring Fayre, but again, looks like it will be the best Spring fayre to date. The entries for the ‘cake off’ were phenomenal, so much effort and talent.
A special mention to the winners 1st Marie Webb, 2nd Erin Hutchcraft, 3rd Faye Richardson, special award for creativity Hero Cameron.
We held a Cake Stall in April which raised £45, thank you to everyone who made the cakes and to those who bought them.
On the 14th June, the children along with their parents and Brambles staff visited Church Farm which had been such a success the previous year! The children were able to get up close to the animals and enjoyed the tractor ride on a sunny summers day!
Final figures are not yet in for the Spring Fayre, but again, looks like it will be the best Spring fayre to date. The entries for the ‘cake off’ were phenomenal, so much effort and talent.
A special mention to the winners 1st Marie Webb, 2nd Erin Hutchcraft, 3rd Faye Richardson, special award for creativity Hero Cameron.
We held a Cake Stall in April which raised £45, thank you to everyone who made the cakes and to those who bought them.